Videos, Scholarly Writings, Resume'  & Contact information

Contact Information: I run my life in email, so the best way to reach me is jcwalton (at)  I also have a facebook page here


 Joan Walton’s ability to communicate dance movement concepts and focused teaching style have become well known at universities and in workshops across the country.  She teaches classes in Musical Theatredance, Tap, Social dance, and Historical dance, plus the popular dance lecture courses at the College of San Mateo.  As a teacher of Vintage and Historical dance, she has led workshops in Paris, Prague, St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as across the United States; she currently teaches Vintage dance to voice and opera majors at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.


Joan has performed as a guest artist with the Naples (Florida) Philharmonic and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, under the direction of Keith Lockhart, dancing Morton Gould’s challenging Tap Dance Concerto.  She earned a Master’s degree in Dance Education from Stanford University’s top-ranked School of Education in 1999. 

The Famous Warmup

Performing the National Two Step Lancers with Danse Libre

The Infamous "Drunk Dance" with Steve Kreimer

Dancing the challenging and exciting Astaire/Powell choreography to "Begin the Beguine." with my brother Bob.  Keith Lockhart conducts the Cincinnati Pops orchestra.